Production Database Reducer Start Page English Hungarian

The software


What is the Production Database Reducer?

The Production Database Reducer (PDR) is an algorythm which can reduce the large size of the databases.

It is possible to think about very little reduced sizes, from a couple of TBs to a few GBs or a few 100 MBs.


It is not a compression but getting a little and valid subset of the production data.

This size reduce algorythm is implemented on the following platforms:

  • Oracle
  • Mssql
  • Db2
  • Postgresql

This data reducer algorythm is useful mostly for companies which want to do their testing processes in little databases instead of in full size databases and which want to archive the old data from the production database because of compliance.


What is the motivation, why would we do that?



For example...


  • because of the very reduced size of the database
    significant cost saving (little disk, RAM, CPU cores, network traffic, etc.)
    more test environments are avaliable to build
  • the database of a smaller size is faster
    the testing and also the development time is reducable
  • we can use relevant data in the test database
    the testing processes can be executed on important, tipical data
  • the database size reducing process is almost automatic
    significant resources of operators can be releasable
  • one newer instance of a test database can be done very easy
    the new test environments can be ready soon
  • the depersonalization can be done very soon in the reduced size database
    the developer team can get its developer environment in shorter time
  • data archiving is an automated process
    the archived data and the smaller database can be done quickly
  • ... and a lot of more therefore because of the fragment database size.


You can read a more detailed introduction on the following pages.


We found that the operation on the database with large size can be very slow and complex
(it is not a problem created by us),
and we also found that our solution is really solve these problems and really helps our customers!